Dres4Win Case Study — Summary

Chris Phan
2 min readFeb 13, 2021


For my learning purposes


  • Web-base company allows company organize & manage their personal wardrobe using web & mobile
  • Cultivate social network user <-> designer <-> retailer
  • Monetize their services via advertising, ecommerce, referrals, and freemium app models
  • Grow from few servers -> hundred servers + apps

They want growth + company’s desire to innovate faster => want a full migration to cloud

Solution concept

  • First phase dev, test and DR
  • Not sure which components of their architecture they can migrate as is
  • Not sure which components they need to change before migrating them

Existing technical environment

All service running on Ubuntu v16.04

Databases MySQL
Compute 40 web application servers (Tomcat + Nginx)
Apache Hadoop/Spark servers 20
Rabbit MQ servers
Miscellaneous servers: Jenkins, monitoring, bastion hosts, security scanners
Storage appliances: iSCSI, SAN-MySQL, NAS

Business requirements

reliable + reproducible env => scaled parity of production
IAM best practice
Agility & speed of innovation through rapid provisions of new resources
Analyze & optimize architect

Technical requirements

Easy create non-production in cloud
Implement an automation framework for provision resources in the cloud
CICD for both on-premise & cloud
Support failover
Encrypt data at rest & transit
Support private connection between datacenter & cloud env

Executive environments

Concern about the ability of scale & contain costs with current infra
Concern about the current competitor
The highest traffic pattern is in the morning & weekend evening and others is 80% idle

Currently, capital expenditure exceed quarterly projections. Migrating to cloud can cause initial increase in spending
Next five year achieve a reduction of 30–50 % current model



Chris Phan
Chris Phan

Written by Chris Phan


Cloud Engineer (AWS, Azure, GCP)

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